Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Daffodil Tea

Well done to Primary 2 for their wonderful Daffodil Tea. They entertained parents and friends to a presentation on Marie Curie and Fairtrade. Guests were then invited to join the children for a cup of tea and a Fairtrade cake. The children were very professional and the audience enjoyed the afternoon. We sold Fairtrade items at our stall, courtesy of Rainbow Turtle in Paisley.

Scottish Poetry Day

Well done to all of the children for their great efforts during Scottish Poetry Day on 24th January. Every class performed in front of the whole school, showing great audience awareness. They even managed to get their tongues around some difficult Scots words.

Primary 5 Burns Supper

Enterprising pupils in Primary 5 organised and led a fantastic Burns Afternoon for their invited guests. Guests were treated to poetry recitals, singing, dancing and some Scottish food. The children worked very hard in their groups to organise and plan the event and all proceeds are going to their chosen charity, Dog's Trust.  Well done Primary 5!